UCLAUCLA Center for Maximizing Outcomes
and Research on Effectiveness

Survey Research Group

The C-MORE Survey Research Group is led by Ron D. Hays, Ph.D.  Dr. Hays has a background in patient-reported outcomes, survey methods, and patient-centered care.  He has published over 500 peer-reviewed articles, 13 reviews of the literature and 37 book chapters.  For the last 17 years he has held the position of professor of medicine in the Department of Medicine at UCLA.  Dr. Hays worked full-time as a behavioral scientist in the RAND Health program from 1984 until 1997 and has been a RAND consultant since starting at UCLA in 1997.

The Survey Research Group is co-lead by José Calderón. Dr.
Calderón is a bilingual health services researcher who is a faculty member at Drew University and a visiting professor at UCLA.

For more information, contact Dr. Hays at