UCLAUCLA Center for Maximizing Outcomes
and Research on Effectiveness

Other Seminars


Value of Information Analysis

Roger J. Lewis, MD, PhD.
Dept of Emergency Medicine - Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Berry Consutants, LLC.

slides: Value of Information Lewis March 2013.pptx (1,388 KB)

audio: *RIGHT CLICK to SAVE 13031201.MP3 (164 MB)


Panel Discussion: Beyond Focus Groups. 

Host: Michael Weisman, Professor in Residence, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Co-host: Lenore Arab, Professor, GIM and HSR, UCLA

Featured Speakers:

Dominick Frosch, Associate Staff Scientist, Health Services Research, Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Deborah Glik, Professor, Public Health-Community Health Science, UCLA
Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, Professor, Public Health, Community Health Science, UCLA
Marian Katz, Assistant Researcher, GIM & HSR, UCLA
Gery Ryan, Senior Behavioral Scientist, RAND

slides: Beyond Focus Groups 102412.pdf (2,548 KB)

audio:*RIGHT CLICK to SAVE Lenore_Arab_Panel_edit.mp3 (1hour 50 minutes 129 MB)

* to be kind to our server, audio files should be downloaded to your computer (right click/save) - not opened directly. thank you.